Increased runtime straight from the tool changer

Machine Tool Automation
At the family business Hartmut Keck Werkzeug- und Vorrichtungsbau, the production capacities were almost maxed out. A clever automation solution without large space requirements provides a relief and opens up freedom in operational practice.
(by Martin Ricchiuti, Carl Hanser Verlag)
Milling, drilling, turning - in Reutlingen at Hartmut Keck Werkzeug- und Vorrichtungsbau, the spindles are running from early morning until late at night. Hartmut Keck, who founded the company more than 30 years ago, started with a Deckel FP4, and further investments in machining equipment have followed steadily since then. At the beginning, the focus was on punching tool manufacturing for customers from the automotive industry, with a high vertical range of manufacture thanks to independent contract manufacturing.
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Bericht aus WB Werkstatt + Betrieb 2/2023
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HAUBEX Automation System